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    Dell printer drivers are like other device drivers. They are a group of files that allow your hardware or accessories, in this case your printer, to interact with the inner workings of your computer. In a sense, a driver is a translator for your PC. Without an updated driver for your Dell printer, it just will not work. In addition, this can cause other problems with your PC. Each time you press the Print button and receive an error message, it is saved in your Windows registry. Overtime, these error logs accumulate and slow down your computer, block applications and even block your computer. An accident is never a good sign.The only way to fix this problem is to update your Dell printer drivers. You can choose to do this manually via your computer. However, if you browse the Internet via Mozilla FireFox, you will not be able to download the updated driver directly from the Dell official website because they do not support this browser. Even if you use an accepted browser on the Dell website, you will spend a lot of time matching system specifications, download, unzip, and install. Even then, you can not be completely sure if the problem is with your Dell printer driver or another device that interferes with it. Updating a perfectly correct driver can cause many problems. It's a vicious circle.

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